Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on May 2013

Cathryn Moe, our resident astrologer, has been reading the skies for our readers for nigh on 17 years. Yet she has remained a woman of mystery, communicating only through her forecasts. To commemorate our 1,000th issue, we asked her a few questions.
How did you end up writing “It’s In The Stars?”
I had a weekly Horoscope column in the Guernsey Globe in the Channel Islands, UK. One day the phone rang and it was Tokyo calling! A man from the magazine had been on Guernsey, read my column and asked if I would write for you. Since then I have been able to write for you from London, San Francisco, Builth Wells, Wales, Sydney, Brisbane, Scottsdale AZ, Edinburgh, Scotland, and now Kauai, Hawaii. I am so glad and grateful to be plugged in and stay in touch. Have you guessed I’m a Sagittarius? We love to travel!
What is your favorite part of writing “It’s In The Stars?”
I imagine each of you reading your Star Sign. I wonder where you are when you’re reading it, how you are feeling, and how it interacts with your thoughts and the activities of your week. I especially like to write when there is a lot of planetary energy in terms of the aspects (trines, squares, conjunctions), and eclipses—like we’re having this month!
Any memorable forecasts that were correct?
Early in my career, I predicted Ross Perot would run for US president after he said he would not. I told BBC Radio Guernsey that Bill and Hillary Clinton would stay together at the time of Monica Lewinsky. I told friends at a New Year’s party the dot-com tech bubble would burst in March 2000.
… and incorrect?
I hoped if my Mother could get past a particularly tricky Pluto transit she would live. She got past it, then a year later passed away. She’s still with me though. A Mother’s work is never done!
Do you have messages for Metropolis readers for this milestone issue?
Being a member of Planet Earth reminds us how interconnected we are and how much our thoughts and actions impact on each other. As Neptune continues in its sojourn through feeling-based Pisces we are developing our intuition, imagination and creativity to expand our emotional intelligence for adaptation and survival during 2015. Never, never give up. Surround yourself with positive encouraging people and places that support your transformations. Remember the power is within you. You have an actual light and heart connection with a greater source that you are intrinsically a part of. Choose wisely your path of connectivity. I sincerely thank each and every You who has read “It’s In The Stars” and I am grateful to share my Star Sign “messages” each week. I am excited to write there is a phone app in the works so we can connect more as we continue our journeys of expansion together.