Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on March 2014
Come April, fresh-faced college grads will be be joining the Japanese work force. They will have a lot to learn, especially how not to tick off people already in the company. Office workers were asked what comments by kohai (juniors) annoy them the most.
1. But that’s not my job: 738 responses
2. Is there any point to this task?: 409
3. No one told me to do it (so I didn’t).: 386
4. I don’t want to do that.: 293
5. It’s not my fault.: 284
6. (In the morning) Ahh, I’m tired!: 253
7. Why do I have to…: 251
8. I didn’t think you meant to do it now…: 218
9. (In the morning) I want to go home…: 183
10. I didn’t hear anything about that.: 153
Source: http://ranking.goo.ne.jp