Terry Francis

Terry Francis

It’ll be all deep and chunky grooves when the thoroughbred DJ makes his Tokyo debut


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on September 2010

Courtesy of Phonika

With its goose-bump-inducing sound system and genre-defying DJ lineup, London venue Fabric must be one of the finest clubs on the planet, period. Tech-house DJ and producer Terry Francis snagged a Saturday night residency when the venue first opened in 1999, and he’s been a mainstay there ever since. He spoke to Metropolis before embarking on his maiden trip to Tokyo, where he’ll appear at the 2nd anniversary party for popular house/techno event Phonika.

What’s been the key to remaining relevant as a DJ for over a decade?
I think it’s pretty hard, especially in a world where people are unforgiving regardless of whether you go stagnant or change too much. I like to think I explore new sounds and keep crowds guessing, but still remain true to my style.

You’re synonymous with Fabric. After so many years, how do you and the club keep it fresh? Well, I think it’s hard to describe it to anyone that hasn’t been. It’s a bunch of elements such as location, sound system and collaborators, that when put together equal something truly special. We never sit back and let the reputation do the work. The policy is to always be cutting-edge, which is why it’s one of the best clubs in the world.

Do you have much creative input over the club’s musical direction? It’s a collaborative effort. It’s always good to put our heads together and suggest acts. If any of us go away and hear someone we like, then we’ll suggest that they’re worth a listen. It introduces a wider variety and mixes it up a bit.

Are there any clubs you’ve played at that have bettered Fabric’s sound system? It’s what all DJs dream of. It’s known internationally—and it would be a mission to find something superior.

You’re also one half of the notorious duo Wiggle. How does the dynamic change when you’re DJing with Nathan Coles? It’s always fun trying out new things and being a bit independent, but playing with Nathan is insane… he could have a party in a lift on his own.

What can we expect for your upcoming set, and on what format? Digital! I’ve never played Tokyo before but I’ve heard a lot of positive things. I’m looking forward to doing my thing at Unit: deep, tough and quirky.

Phonika 2nd Anniversary. Tech house: DJs Terry Francis, Xavier Morel, etc. Sep 11, from 11:30pm, ¥3,500. Daikanyama. Tel: 03-5459-8630. www.unit-tokyo.com