Vinicius Cantuaria & Bill Frisell

Vinicius Cantuaria & Bill Frisell

Guitarist duo combine Brazilian sounds and inveterate US jazz


Originally published on on February 2012

Guitarists Vinicius Cantuaria and Bill Frisell give tracks off last year’s Lágrimas Mexicanas (“Mexican Tears”) their first hearing in Japan. Both longtime New Yorkers, the pair came together for a tribute to the city’s Latino culture last year. The album sets the exotic melodies of Brazilian-born Cantuaria against the supercool chords and electronics of inveterate American jazzman Frisell. Slated for Shibuya’s Pleasure Pleasure concert hall, the gig offers the chance to see musicians who would typically play one of Tokyo’s posh jazz clubs for half the price.

Shibuya Pleasure Pleasure, Mar 6-7 (listing).