

Plug into a versatile network with TwoTwoEnglish


Originally published on on September 2012

In a city as teeming with life and activity as Tokyo, there are bound to be plenty of exciting things you could be doing; likeminded English-speaking people you could be meeting; old or new pastimes you could be indulging in.

TwoTwoEnglish is a new service that makes all this possible. Launched a few months ago, it already boasts some 1,500 members on its roster. The folks in question are English speakers, both foreigners and Japanese, from the capital and all over Japan. Willing participants are connected in an online community space, and at regular meet-ups called English Table Talks.

So make use of your spare lunchtime or evenings to hang out with stimulating new people. The English-speaking Japanese folk on board are generally dynamic people advanced in their career paths and keen to meet some interesting international friends. The foreigners are come from all over, and are involved in a bewildering variety of activities in Tokyo.

At TwoTwoEnglish’s website you can register and create your profile. Profile privacy is watertight, with the info that is shared lying more on the small-talk side of things. You can register with your Facebook or Twitter account for ease of access, and the nature of the community means that the environment is positive and mutually supportive.

Once signed up, you can select where and when you want to meet up with other English-speaking members. There are plenty of options—especially for Tokyo—and these are multiplying as more people join. Each English Table Talk has only four seats (hence the name TwoTwo), which gives everyone a chance to communicate and express themselves. You can form your own English Table Talk too, choosing your theme and location and seeing who signs up. Those keen to chat about rabbits, for example, can set up their event as such and post it to the timeline to see who bites. Once you find a English Table Talk that tickles your fancy, just join and note the date, time and location.

Each English Table Talk costs around ¥350-580, though your first one is free. The cost doesn’t include lunch or drinks, but with each session you’re collecting points you can redeem against future events.

Don’t waste time thinking about all the things you could be doing, when there is a quick, easy and fun way to get out there and expand your horizons. Sign up for free and see what happens.