2010 Pick-Me-Ups

2010 Pick-Me-Ups

Experts offer their tips on making the most of the coming year


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on January 2010

Shane Busato

Shane Busato

New Year, new you. Those words are enough to make even the most optimistic among us cringe. But even if your New Year’s resolutions have already gone to pot, there are still plenty of ways to make 2010 healthier and happier than 2009. Eschewing the obvious, and the downright implausible (no more sugar! yoga every morning!), we’ve tapped some of our Body & Soul experts for simple, sound and practical advice.

Change your breakfast

According to August Hergesheimer, the nutritionist behind organic supplement brand Only Pure Products, that morning bagel and coffee isn’t doing us any favors. “You are simply loading up your empty stomach and nutrient-starved body with sugar. A better start to the day would be an avocado with a squeeze of lime or lemon, a handful of walnuts, almonds or pecans, and a piece or two of bitter chocolate. No cooking, toasting, or real preparation at all!”

Use all your senses

Certain scents can aid blood circulation and sharpen your focus. “Experiments have shown that about 60 percent of people who smell lemon oil are more alert and make fewer mistakes when operating a computer,” says Reiko Thomas, an aromatherapist at Terrace Aoyama salon in Gaienmae. Thomas recommends (100 percent organic) scents like grapefruit, lemon, rosemary, peppermint, eucalyptus and geranium to boost energy and eliminate anxiety, tiredness and irritability. Alternatively, consult an aromatherapist for a blend tailored just for you.

Get the most out of your surroundings

Sure, living in Tokyo is stressful, but even more so if we fail to take advantage of the places designed to help us unwind. “A beloved ritual is a visit to my local sento, where hydrotherapy, an ancient healing practice, washes away my stress,” says Leza Lowitz, who runs Sun and Moon Yoga studio in Meguro. “The further beauty is the sense of community and connection through the generations I find there, which is very healing.”

Get out

Of the city, that is. Carlos Barbosa, owner of the Teko Cave bouldering studio in Yokohama, shares one of his favorite daytrip destinations: Mt. Takatori. “I think the hike from Jinmuji station (on the Keikyu line) up to the mountain is the best,” he says. “Once there you can enjoy great views of Tokyo Bay, and have a nice hike around the park itself. The hike all the way to the top takes about an hour, and if you want to rock climb on one of the great cliffs, you can go as long as your arms can last.”

Try a new look

Whether it’s on the inside or the outside, if it gets us out of a rut, we’ll take it any way we can. Hayato New York General Manager Taichi recommends a digital perm for people aspiring towards a new look in 2010. “Japanese straightening techniques are always very straight at the end and there is no movement at all,” he explains. “But with a digital perm we can create a C-shaped curl or a wavy style. This works on all hair styles too, even very straight or thin hair.”

Get the basics down

“Improving health really begins at home rather than at the gym,” believes exercise kinesiologist Travis Johnson, who emphasizes a holistic approach. At the most basic level this means pure, filtered water (at least 33ml a day per kilo of bodyweight), high-quality organic food, daily movement (even just a walk), and rest. The last point is key, and one that leaves exercise-phobes with little excuse. “Adjust your sleep schedule so you sleep earlier and get up earlier,” Johnson suggests. “It is better for your hormonal cycle.”

Learn to breathe

When you need to attain composure day or night, Feng Shui consultant Lucie Mori recommends the following breathing technique: “Inhale deeply through your nose, first filling your abdomen then pulling the air into your chest and exhaling through your nose. While exhaling, pronounce a ‘Sh’ sound quietly inside your mind. Repeat this six times, and then again, this time exhaling with the sound ‘He.’ The ‘Sh’ sound calms the mind and the ‘He’ sound calms the heart and spirit.”