Ask Metropolis Anything vol. 6

Ask Metropolis Anything vol. 6

Animal adoption in Tokyo


Originally published on on May 2014

Dear AMA,

My family is interested in adopting a pet here in Tokyo. Are there any specific groups that can help (like the SPCA) or special steps we need to be aware of?—Petless in Shibuya

Dear Petless,

We passed your query on to the good people at Save Animals Love Animals (SALA). Here’s what they had to say…

“While each shelter will have its own rules, we have a six-step process that works very well for our animals and the people who come to adopt them, including a trial period that lets you have a chance to really get to know your new prospective family member before making a final decision:

1) Contact SALA by email or phone (, 042-362-3400). Email is best for English inquiries.

2) You will receive an application. Complete it and return it to SALA.

3) Set up a meet-and-greet with animals that fit the profile you are looking to adopt at SALA’s Angels Garden facility.

4) Continue meeting animals until you have chosen one to join your family.

5) SALA will deliver the dog or cat to your home and begin the 10- to 14-day trial.

6) Meet with SALA again and, if the trial has gone well, complete the adoption.”

For more information, visit

Animal Walk Tokyo also keeps an updated list of recommended shelters in Tokyo:

If you want to “Ask Metropolis Anything,” send your questions to and we’ll find the most appropriate people to answer your queries.