Bye to Dry

Bye to Dry

Get moist in an eco fashion


Originally published on on March 2013

If the dryness of the Tokyo air—or a hot-air-blasting heater—is turning your skin into a withered bark-like shell, there is a different solution from the plastic water-bubbling spout-less kettles so ubiquitous in Japan. Japanese company Culture Creation Partner has produced the Ecomoist Humidifier, a paper humidifier both attractive and environmentally friendly. Just pop the charming structure into a cup of water and breathe the moist air of heaven. “Spring Flower” [pictured] and “Fleurage” are two of the designs available, and though they are definitely more stylish than kawaii, the more masculine-minded might opt for the spiky “Cactus” or the mushroomy “Champignon.” The Ecomoist can be used 10-16 times before it succumbs to its own moisture.

¥1,745, available from