

Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on June 2010 The Tokyo-based labor organization 21 Seiki Shokugyo Zaidan (a.k.a. the Japan Institute of Worker’s Evolution) is dedicated to “improv[ing] the welfare of female workers, workers who care for children or family members, and part-time workers.” Toward that end, the group has produced a file folder to remind big […]


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on June 2010

The Tokyo-based labor organization 21 Seiki Shokugyo Zaidan (a.k.a. the Japan Institute of Worker’s Evolution) is dedicated to “improv[ing] the welfare of female workers, workers who care for children or family members, and part-time workers.” Toward that end, the group has produced a file folder to remind big shots around the office of the dangers of “power harassment.”

¥250 each. For more info about the JIWE, see www.jiwe.or.jp (Japanese & English); to order the folder, see www.order-jiwe.jp/book_list.php (Japanese)


Stop accusing employees of being a “wage thief,” i.e., “You’re nothing but a thief eating away at our company money”

Stop being a ''monster boss''—getting emotional and yelling, kicking garbage cans, slamming tables and throwing chairs

Stop public lashings; don’t impugn an employee’s character in front of everyone

Stop threats, i.e., ''I’ll destroy your career if you don’t obey my order''

Stop the silent treatment; don’t order your team to ignore a particular member

Stop ''lecture-calling''—ringing employees on weekends to criticize them about their mistakes

Stop the ''excess quota''; don’t give employees impossible amounts of work and then accuse them of poor performance

Stop enforcing private outings—requiring employees to join karaoke, golfing and other activities unrelated to their job

Stop ignoring cries for help: it’s the company’s responsibility to listen to power harassment claims