Door to Door

Door to Door

Cafe-inspired floral arrangements


Originally published on on February 2014

When Flower Kitchen of Porters opened recently and we checked out the options, we weren’t quite sure if it was a flower shop, a café or both. With names including chocolat, mille feuille, macaron and green tea, it’s no wonder we were confused. But these are floral arrangements, not sweets. Priced according to size, from the pint-sized “short” (¥2,000) to the show-her-exactly-how-much-you-love-her “vente2” (¥10,000 plus delivery), these fashionable bouquets can be delivered in under two hours within a 4.5km radius of their Roppongi location. And they’ll send you a snapshot of the finished item so you will know exactly what it will look like when handed over to the happy recipient. If you’re passing through Roppongi station on a Monday, shop staff hand out free flowers to passersby—perfect for treating a case of the Mondays.