

Drone metal legends’ Japan debut


Originally published on on September 2012

Earth, the legendary drone metal band formed in Seattle in 1989 by Dylan Carlson, tours Japan for the first time this month. Its sound has evolved over the years from slowed down Sabbath-esque jams to experiments with Scottish highland music, country, jazz and Americana.

Their latest two albums, Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light I & II for the Southern Lord label feature cellist Lori Goldston—best known for her playing on Nirvana Unplugged in New York—and evoke Indian ragas by way of Marshall amplification. The pieces are long, slow and deep, and revolve around hypnotic interplays between the guitar, bass and cello.

Carlson laughed as he informed Metropolis that they will be playing some newer, as yet unrecorded songs on this tour which he describes as “kind of catchy and more mid-tempo” than their previous offerings, and distinct from their characteristic “slow drones.”

The guitarist and effects wizard relates that he has dealt with a serious medical issue during the last year, which affected his perspective. Since then he has been more prolific than ever, and he said he’s grateful for his health and new creative opportunities.

Carlson assured Metropolis Earth will be playing plenty of their older material on this tour, and fans should be prepared for a cathartic, soul-plumbing experience with extended, loud, droning jams. Bring your earplugs!

Earth tour Japan with Mamiffer, a project featuring Aaron Turner, formerly of ISIS, and play their final show at Fever with Japanese post-rock pioneers Boris.

Earthdom, Sep 19 and Fever, Sep 22.