True Italian Beer Week
Jul 09, 2022 at 12:00am ~ Jul 17, 2022 at 11:59pm
Summer has finally arrived and the perfect season for enjoying a good cold beer begins!
Italy does not mean only excellent wines: in fact, many high-quality beers are produced in Italy and the Italian Chamber of Commerce will be showcasing true Italian beer across Tokyo during True Italian Beer Week this summer.
“TRUE ITALIAN BEER WEEK” will be held from 9 to 17 July in collaboration with about 30 Italian restaurants certified by A.Q.I (Italian Quality Sticker).
By ordering an Italian beer at participating restaurants throughout the week customers will receive specially-selected gifts and prizes. (*while stocks last)
Specially-designed placemats will also be found at the restaurants participating in Italian Beer Week inviting you and your friends to participate in knowledge quizzes on, you guessed it, Italian beer as well as special social media campaigns where you can win further gifts and prizes.
Also, during True Italian Beer Week on July 14, Okuroji restaurant in Hibiya will be holding a special event called Biritalia featuring all-you-can-drink Italian beer and “one coin” Italia dishes.
CLICK HERE to see the list of restaurants participating in “True Italian Beer Week” and click here for more info on the event.
Start: Jul 9th 2022 at 12:00am
End: Jul 17th 2022 at 11:59pm