
July 26 – August 2
aries March 20 ~ April 18

‘Less is more’ may work for you. Breathing space in your schedule is at a premium. This week’s focus for Aries is work. Health, helping others, and volunteering is right in there. As are small pets! Mercury the Messenger, who likes to organize thoughts and share them, is in this sector. No detail is too small to become vitally important. You will catch them all in time.

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taurus April 19 ~ May 19

Your week is well-balanced. You may not start out thinking there’s a chance, but each step gets you there. The focus (or what you may be forced into) comes from home life and what you’re doing at work. There’s a positive energy with a supportive attitude from others. Mercury takes a look into tiny increments that make the difference for success.

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gemini May 20 ~ June 20

Jupiter is zooming through your sign. It’s almost at the half-way mark. You’re busy, you’re lucky, there are more opportunities than slots to fill them. Still, you’re able to get everything in. It’s more of a ‘live by your instincts’ week. You already know where you’re going as the list of events change routes. Ruling planet Mercury is in your sign. Details connect the dots perfectly.

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cancer June 21 ~ July 21

There is a gentle yet powerful force flowing through your finances. This week the Sun shines in your house of income. Vesta and Venus are there, too. You may find you already have more than you think. Mercury influences your home base. Conversations take a comfortable turn. Doing your own thing brings those who can laugh with you. Partners may be busy. Let them.

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leo July 22 ~ August 22

The benefits for Leos are strong this week. The Sun is in the early degrees of your sign. Happy Birthday to you! With Vesta holding down the fort, your inner flame has a gentle glow. Venus in Leo brings the kind of beauty and luxury only Venus can offer. Mercury emphasizes your agility whether you’re writing, speaking, or enjoying your thoughts.

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virgo August 23 ~ September 21

You may be busy, without much of a choice. Juno in your sign supports your efforts. They don’t have to be perfect, though Virgos prefer this to be the case. Dark Moon Lilith is using a different approach in Virgo. You could be tempted to turn things inside-out to achieve the impossible. Mercury, your ruling planet, is now in your sign. Your mind is sharp, clear, and ready to go.

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libra September 22 ~ October 22

In a relationship, or spending time as your own best friend? The Moon transits to enhance how you feel and what you value. The bonus is that it connects with Chiron, known as the wounded healer. You are a great asset to what a partner, or you, are going through. Mercury adds clarity to a dream about to emerge on your behalf.

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scorpio October 23 ~ November 21

Mysteries reveal themselves to you this week. With Pallas Athene in your sign, your approach is original. You’re unstoppable. You see what others see, plus you’re noticing something else. Trust your instincts. Listen to your inner voice. Mercury moves forward to enter your sector of groups and intellectual pursuits. Your talent for details at this moment makes all the difference.

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sagittarius November 22 ~ December 20

You have a visionary quality that others acknowledge. Notice you’re sought after for an opinion, but cautious about being pinned down? Think you don’t know enough to give one? Your ability to read energy going through you makes the difference. While you may not recall signing up as an air filter, people know you’re valuable. Mercury adds details to shine in your career.

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capricornus December 21 ~ January 18

This week holds true potential. You can make a difference. There is power available to you. This is especially true if you’re involved in a legal, educational or spiritual paradigm. Juno and Dark Moon Lilith are there, holding the torches and pillars up as more is unearthed. Mercury the Messenger is activated. Expect changes from thorough research.

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aquarius January 19 ~ February 17

Aquarians are getting on top of their dreams. Pluto is in the early degrees of your sign, but it’s not here to stay just yet. It’s currently retrograde. This gives you time to consider, rewrite and revise whatever plans you may have. You could find there are opportunities that weren’t on your list, but may be great. Mercury the Messenger starts to explore a unique relationship challenge.

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pisces February 18 ~ March 19

There is help on the way. Be open to hearing what a partner may have to share. Whether it’s in business or a personal relationship, the long-term connection lends credence to what you need to know. Mercury is opposite your sign. What was blurry or ill-defined comes into sharp focus. Your unique perspective and ability to create structure in changing times is admired.

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c. Cathryn Moe 2024