January 17 – January 24
It’s mid-month and you’re sailing through. Or are about to. You could be in the next stage of a project. The North Node of the Moon, that karmic inspirational muse, creates yet another aspect. It goes direct for a short time to take a final stand. Then it moves on. You may have a distinct feeling your dreams are manifesting. The Sun enters your friendship sector to brighten this week.

Time flying by? Unsure how to catch it? Sounds like January as you settle in. It doesn’t have to last for long. So many things are happening. Others may ask for your opinion. In a legal battle? Seeking higher ground? Pallas Athene and Mercury stand up for you in this sector of your chart. The Sun transits to illuminate what you’ve been trying to tell them at work.

You move with ease and grace. You don’t have to think about it. Geminis are naturals. Obstacles clear as if you had tapped into a consciousness that straightens things out. Expect a few bonus moments as the Sun transits. Invitations for long-distance travel or connections with others may surprise you. What’s unexpected is how pleasant your week becomes.

Mars continues to retrograde through Cancer. If you’ve been building toward a decision, you may feel the boost it gives you. The focus on your instincts slices through any doubt. At the same time, you may move so quickly you enjoy being on top of things. Check your options as the Sun transits. It may brighten this transformation, even if you’re the only one who feels it.

Do you have choices at your fingertips, but notice influences pop up from the outside? Being externally referenced is a useful quality. It keeps you in the pulse of your work and enjoying your friendship circle. Leos often feel drawn to be there for others, whether it’s a colleague, a pet, or a relationship. Following your instincts, the Sun transits to make winter days brighter.

Virgos have everything to shout about, except you’ll probably do it quietly. Efforts you have made for so long begin to pay off. Dividends are yours, rewards for patience and a steady perspective. This week offers a Virgo Moon. You can rest and relax into your feelings. The Sun transits to your work sector. Innovation is your middle name.

Librans bring balance into the world, but you don’t have to do it all at once. Giving yourself space for a long walk or a bubble bath can clear up all kinds of confusion. There’s a lighter, brighter space opening in your horizon. The Sun travels away from what needs to be done at home. It enters your sector of pure pleasure and fun for the joy of it.

You sense what’s going on this week, and it’s all beneath the surface. One of Scorpio’s great strengths is the ability to keep a confidence. It’s a trait that endears you to others. You may feel the pure pleasure of it, since you are entrusted with so much. Your planetary influences are in the private sectors of your chart. The Sun transits to keep things neutral and balanced at home.

You usually love to gallop through those fabled meadows of freedom. Right now maybe not so much. You have plenty to keep you busy. You know what you like, what works for you, and may be setting up plans to achieve it all. You may not know how all the pieces will fit, or even where they’ll come from. The Sun transits, opening things wide up in conversational arenas.

Capricorn is an earth sign ruled by Saturn. You take your duties seriously. If something needs to be done, it’s often a Capricorn who gets the funds and spends them judiciously. So why might you feel like now is the time to take a leap of confidence? Pallas Athene and Mercury in your sign stand by you. The Sun transits to brighten your income sector. Pluto is there to help it grow.

Aquarians are in their element. You may choose to act on your instincts, whether they tell you to jump in or out. You are in tune with the cosmos. The currents you catch take you where you want to go. Ceres in your sign keeps things running. Her knack for financial protection brings abundance. The Sun transits to your sign this week. Enjoy being in your Happy Birthday zone!

Venus, Saturn, and Neptune are all in your sign. This is a special time in your personal history. The comfort level Pisces requires to open up and express is adorned with a quality others admire. Feeling stable with a level of flexibility allows you to be creative and yet plan for your future. Neptune fills your actions with compassion. The Sun transits to bring your dreams into the light.