
May 10 – May 17
aries March 20 ~ April 18

It’s your call this week. Mars, Chiron and Mercury are in Aries. You can win discussions, complete decisions and move at a pace that leads. Making deadlines is a snap. Venus, the Sun, Uranus and Jupiter fill up your income sector. Mid-week, Mercury transits to join them. Financial connections increase with those who see the importance of your choices.

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taurus April 19 ~ May 19

Friends and dreams work together. Choices made in the past connect with requirements now. Though self-preservation may have something to do with it, the timing is right. If you were born this week, Happy Birthday! Jupiter, Uranus, and the Sun are in your sign. You’re in a power position. Mercury moves to your sign mid-week. This is your chance to speak. Will you take it?

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gemini May 20 ~ June 20

Enjoy the freedom of your true nature. Dreams, surprises, and big events are all part of your social calendar. Hiding out is not your norm. If you do decide to take a break, you’ll still find excitement that appeals. Ruling planet Mercury transits to communicate it mid-week. It envisions and shares your bigger-than-life experiences. Realms that are most comfortable seek you out.

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cancer June 21 ~ July 21

Cancers are often quiet about what they want. Your awareness includes a subtle sense, an ability to feel your way through a situation. Right now, the focus in your chart is your career, and friendships. A lot is being asked of you. While you can do it, you know the amount of commitment it takes. Mercury transits mid-week to make your days pleasant and inviting.

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leo July 22 ~ August 22

Leos may be receiving a bit of recognition. So many of the celestial bodies are in your sector of public image and achievement. You may be noticed without any effort at all. If one’s motion comes from emotion, there is inspiration to be found. Mars, Chiron and Mercury help you see the inner workings. Mercury moves mid-week to secure this to your career and make it real.

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virgo August 23 ~ September 21

Relationships may call on all you can muster. Saturn and Neptune in this sector can make them feel serious with high ideals. At the same time, while you may feel indebted, they are apt to go off on their own trajectory. You are left to hang in there with much rescheduling of your time. Ruler Mercury transits mid-week. It becomes an inspirational messenger with a broad vision.

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libra September 22 ~ October 22

Librans may go through changes of the fun variety. The stars really kick into high gear. Many of them are in your solar seventh house, where you practice your skills in relationships. Their placement can keep pulling you back to one or more. Eventually you lift yourself to another level. Mercury transits mid-week. Luckily, this gets you to a deeper place as a reward.

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scorpio October 23 ~ November 21

If you don’t mind putting your energy into work, it can pay off in an important relationship. This is also true in reverse. Almost the entire focus of the stars this week is about moving quickly to mend fences. It creates understanding while you’re being paid. Your heart and dreams may be held in the context of your personal life. Mercury transits mid-week to blend them with results.

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sagittarius November 22 ~ December 20

You won’t need to spend much time making the pieces fit just yet. Keeping track of them is challenging enough. So much is coming in for you. It’s tricky when you don’t know what it will be, but you know it will be important. Though you may feel the weight on your shoulders, you’re able to move quickly and accurately. Mercury transits mid-week. You’ll be glad with the results.

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capricornus December 21 ~ January 18

Feeling at your best when you’re productive? Capricorns are ruled by Saturn, arguably the hardest-working planet in the zodiac. Thus for you, achievement equals energy well spent. Things get slippery with both Saturn and Neptune in your communication sector. As you try to nail things down, things keep moving. Mercury transits mid-week to stabilize this.

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aquarius January 19 ~ February 17

You don’t have to get a lot done, but you probably will anyway. You know how quickly things can change. You may as well jump in to stay on top. Conversations and negotiations move fast. Mars in this sector of your chart matches the healing ability of Chiron, placed nearby. Life at home becomes a focus of joy and promise. Mercury transits mid-week to secure your interests.

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pisces February 18 ~ March 19

You may be in an enviable position. At the same time, expectations rise. With both Saturn and Neptune in your sign, your wizardry strengthens. Whether feeling it or not, you can reach high levels of creativity and technology, especially in film and music. You could be a part of bringing it all to earth. Mercury transits mid-week. The benefit? Explaining how this is done.

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c. Cathryn Moe 2024