October 10, 2014
Horoscope: October 10-17, 2014
What's in the stars for the week ahead?
By Cathryn Moe
Mar 20-Apr 19
♥♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣♣♣
You are the hottest flame of the fire signs, the first of the zodiac; you bring in what is new, what needs to happen before the next big thing. If things seem intense, there’s a reason in the stars. Venus and the Sun merge energies this week, bringing a partner who reflects the best parts of you. If you are single, someone special makes sure you have backup—they may offer an option you secretly desire. Mercury retrograde helps you look at things in a different way for excellent results.
Apr 20-May 19
♥♥♥♥ ¥¥ ♣♣♣
At the same time Venus connects with the Sun, bringing you a new level of comfort or a bonus at work, Mercury is retrograde in your partnership sector. Sometimes it’s worth checking in to make sure they feel adored. If the signals are skewed by Mercury’s backwards blink, you can add a blanket of security by blending the tactile with the intellectual. If you like what you’re seeing, believe it. Single or partnered, you may receive an award or recognition for your creative talents.
May 20-Jun 20
♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣♣
The astrological stellium that lifts your wings brings love, light and new frontiers into play. Venus, the goddess who defines comfort as luxurious indulgence, merges beautifully with the heartfelt Sun in your solar fifth house. If you feel like reaching out in a creative way, you’re likely to be well received. At the same time, there may be undercurrents at work, with Mercury retrograde giving you a chance to take a second look at the fine print in important documents.
Jun 21-Jul 21
♥♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣♣
You can stay home or let your home be where your heart is. Either way, your Cancer nurturing instinct is likely to kick up its heels. Career is up and down and possibly sideways, so why not enjoy the rewrites and do-overs that Mercury retrograde allows? That way you can express what you didn’t get a chance to, long ago. Nostalgia is a Moonchild thing. Your personal history is important; give yourself time to know yourself well.
Jul 22-Aug 21
♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣
That sleeping gypsy inside you is about to awaken; there isn’t much you can do, except watch it all unfold. With Uranus playing compatible in your solar ninth house of travel and in-laws, but square to Pluto, there may be power surges with more voltage than usual. Rarely does Leo go along for the ride—you’re usually in charge. But you can think of this week as purely for reconnaissance—and make your decisions later.
Aug 22-Sep 21
♥♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣♣♣
The focus is on balancing finances, enjoying what you create, and … oh yeah, how well you can keep a secret. That goes double for Mercury doing its retrograde thing. People may want to pull information out of you “for the greater good,” but consider the long-term ripple effects if you want a smooth outcome. Waiting a couple of weeks might just increase your viability on any subject. In the meantime, the wounding/healing thing is still on the roster in the relationship department.
Sep 22-Oct 22
♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣♣
Bouncing back and forth on your scales is exhilarating, but it takes energy too. Right now, Mars is in assisting Sagittarius, holding up your dreams and hopes as negotiations are in your favor. At the same time, you have Mercury retrograde in your house of finance and income—just hold off on those big-ticket items for two weeks and you’ll be able to see through the fog. Vesta brings wisdom to your choices and helps you feel more at home, wherever you may be.
Oct 23-Nov 21
♥♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣♣♣
Although you may have tired of the long (perhaps somewhat self-imposed) wait, you’ll be able to move forward with your plans. Waiting for Mercury retrograde is not a requirement, but if you prefer a smooth entry, it may be worth another two weeks. Right now Scorpio carries the energies of Ceres, Saturn and Mercury. This means you can have what you want; it will more than sustain you, but there is a price to pay. Make sure you’re in a happy frame of mind to make your decisions.
Nov 22-Dec 20
♥♥♥ ¥¥ ♣♣♣♣
Mars in your sign energizes the grand kite configuration that soars for you this week. It brings opportunities that are greater than the norm, thus not to be taken for granted. True, there is tension with Uranus bouncing off Venus and the Sun’s placement. It’s likely you’re in the midst of change, some of which you may not be able to believe is (finally?) happening. It’s unlikely you’ll want to put on the brakes for much longer, yet Mercury direct may be worth waiting for.
Dec 21-Jan 19
♥♥♥♥ ¥¥ ♣♣♣
With authority transposed and a new appreciation of your strengths, this week points out your intrinsic savoir faire. Capricorns just don’t stay down for long—you’re too busy helping others, whether it’s a gorgeous meal, a shoulder to cry on, a house to sign for and more. You’re a power player and, let’s face it, so are most of your friends. Mercury is retrograde in the “group identity” part of your chart, so ask if something doesn’t make sense—it may not be what was meant at all.
Jan 20-Feb 17
♥♥ ¥¥¥ ♣♣
With Mercury retrograde, you don’t have a moment to lose—you have a lot of them to gain. By not reacting to the rerouting and undoing of schedules, you’ll have all the extra energy you need. Careers, long-distance travel and glimpsing beneath the surface may have your attention. There’s money in it too, so you’re well advised to keep going (at a comfortable pace) and let Mercury retrograde take the heat for the extra breathing space you may take.
Feb 18-Mar 19
♥♥♥ ¥¥¥¥ ♣♣
Things may be slippery, but you can stand your ground. As a water sign, you do well when you’re in alignment with earth signs Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. Often their influence helps you stay within certain parameters, keeping thing in a safe zone. The exact aspect between Chiron in Pisces and Venus in Libra allows for love and goodies from the goddess, though perhaps not in the basket you originally thought—which could be more than fun!