Human Security In Crisis?

Human Security In Crisis?

Free symposium at ICU this Saturday


Originally published on on January 2013

Head to the leafy surroundings of the ICU campus in Mitaka this Saturday for a weighty meeting of minds. “Human Security In Crisis?” is an international academic symposium, featuring world-renowned Columbia University Professor Saskia Sassen, and conference organizer, Human Security expert Giorgio Shani.

The theme is as follows:

“The global financial crisis has resulted in what Saskia Sassen describes as a “savage sorting of winners and losers” on a global scale. In Japan after 3/11, restoring a sense of security among the Japanese population and wider global community remains an urgent task. Yet Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s ambition to revise Article 9 of Japan’s constitution hints at a return to traditional security concerns. Human security, in short, may be a casualty of a return to power politics.”
  • When? Sat, Jan 26, 9:30am-6pm
  • Where? ICU (International Christian University)
  • Address? 3-10-2 Osawa, Mitaka-shi [map below]
  • Nearest stn? Musashi-sakai
  • More info?

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