Jack McLean

Jack McLean



Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on March 2011

Where are you from and when/why did you originally come to Japan?
I am originally from Glasgow. I came to Japan to have an “adventure” and to study Kyokushin karate.

What kind of projects have you been involved with since you’ve been here?
In the early ’90s, I had a project where I “stole” art space from major museums and galleries around the world, including MOMA in NYC, Tate in London and The Hara in Tokyo. I also burned human forms in tourist spots, such as Shibuya crossing, Times Square and Piccadilly. Recently, I have been digging holes in parks in Glasgow, London, NYC and Tokyo.

What’s your impression of the local art scene?
I’m afraid I don’t have any impressions at all. I go to a lot of openings but only for the drink…

Tell us about your current show…
“Salt Mine” is the unconscious result of a planned and contrived immersion in the futile world of the early-morning slave/commuter—in the words of Joe Strummer, “You’re fretting, you’re sweating, but did you notice you ain’t getting anywhere?” The new Container gallery upholds the punk ethos of “do it yourself,” and because of that it makes it refreshing and unique. I think it will become the place to show in Tokyo. Curator Shai Ohayon is on the beat 100 percent, and the people that run [hair salon] Bross are true artists.

Some viewers might feel you’re making fun of salarymen…
The salaryman has suffered and endured more than any misconception arising from my work.

What’s one thing everyone should do in Tokyo before they leave?
Consider deeply if they ever should actually leave.

What’s your recipe for a perfect day in Tokyo?
Wake up at 4am, get on a train, draw for 40 minutes, work in a soulless job for peanuts, finish before 12 noon, go have a cup of coffee, and still have an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment.

What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen in Tokyo?
A little old lady wearing a white T-shirt with an image of a teddy bear and underneath the image was the word “FUCK.”

The Container
Jack McLean. Salt Mine. Mixed media. Until May 23. 1F Hills Daikanyama, 1-8-30 Kami-Meguro, Meguro-ku (inside Bross hair salon). Nearest stn: Nakameguro or Daikanyama. www.the-container.com