November 26, 2022
Japan Drugstore Guide: Cold and Flu Medicine
Recommended cold and flu medicine in Japan
Catching a cold or the flu in Japan is more likely between December and March, so ahead of winter, we quizzed local drug store employees to hear their recommendations on the best cold and flu products in Japan. As always, this list is meant to be a general guide and should not be taken as medical advice. All of the prices listed are before tax and are accurate as of July 2022.
Paralon Cold EX Gold

Summary: This all-around acting cold medicine contains 120 pills to combat a variety of symptoms. The box indicates that it can help with pain, sore throat, fever, sneezing, runny nose, headache, as well as joint and muscle pain. It also mentions that this medication should be taken with water within 30 minutes after eating a meal.
Price: ¥880 (120 pills)
Dosage: For those 15 and older, take 3 pills up to 3 times a day (9 pills per day maximum). For children between ages 11 and 15, take 2 pills up to 3 times a day (6 pills per day maximum). For children between ages 6 and 11, take 1 pill up to 3 times a day (3 pills per day maximum).
Considerations: The box indicates that you should not operate a car or machinery while taking this medication. Additionally, children under the age of 6 years old should not take this medication. The label indicates that the elderly and those who are pregnant should consult their doctor before taking this medication. This should be stored in a cool and dry place that is out of direct sunlight.
Stona EX

Summary: This medication was recommended as the best over-the-counter cold medication by drug store employees. It comes in a few different types depending on what you are looking for. From the left picture to the right picture above, the types are as follows: (のどの痛み、発熱) sore throat and fever reducer, (つらいせき、たん) painful cough and phlegm, (鼻水、鼻づまり) nasal drip and stuffy nose. However, all the boxes have the same label of (かぜ薬), cold medicine, so they all help with general cold symptoms. Each box indicates that they help with: nasal discharge, stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough, chills, fever, headache, joint pain and muscle pain. All of the boxes indicate that this medication should be taken within 30 minutes of eating a meal.
Price: From left to right: ¥1280 (12 pills), ¥1380 (12 pills), ¥1280 (18 pills)
Dosages: Red box: For those 15 and older, take 2 capsules 3 times per day (6 capsules maximum). This medication is intended only for those ages 15 and over.
Yellow box: For children between ages 12 and 14, take 1 capsule 3 times per day (3 caplesles maximum). For children and adults 15 and over, take 2 capsules 3 times per day (6 capsules maximum). This medication is intended for people 12 years and over.
White box: For children and adults 15 and over, take 2 capsules 3 times per day (6 capsules maximum). This medication is intended for those older than 15 years.
Considerations: Store this medication in a dry place away from the sun. These medications should not be taken while operating machinery.
Get them here:
–Sore throat and fever reducer
–Painful cough and phlegm
–Nasal drip and stuffy nose
Pabron Medical N

Summary: This medication was also recommended by drug store employees. It is specifically for nasal symptoms including: 鼻水 (runny nose) and 鼻づまりに (stuffy nose).
Price: ¥1,280 (18 tablets)
Dosage: Take 2 tablets 3 times per day within 30 minutes of a meal (6 tablets per day). The box indicates that the tablets should be taken with lukewarm water. Additionally, the box indicates that this medication is for those aged 15 and over.
Considerations: Store this medication in a dry place away from the sun. This medication should not be taken while operating machinery.
Works cited:
All images in the article are taken by Lillian Loescher
ダイコクドラッグ employee interview