

Mess of ages


Originally published on on May 2013


Regarding “Sayonara Tokyo” (The Last Word, Apr 26): Nothing wrong with the innocence of a child’s view. The impression she has is nice. Everyone doesn’t see the seedy side of things. […] Go girl! Best of luck in school!—Sept922

Author Jessica Chambers responds: Thank you so much! I mean, it would be ridiculous to say that I haven’t noticed the seedier aspects of Japan, but hey—I’m leaving this place for good. Why go on a negative? Thanks so much for your positivity, some people just love a good moan.

I hate to impugn this writer because I  appreciate her perspective and I feel that everyone deserves a voice. However, is anyone else struck by the shallowness of her decade-long experience? Props for getting published as a college freshman; but what did you really accomplish though this piece beyond the stereotypical “Harajuku” and “bowing” drivel? I’d be interested to hear about her experience at a Japanese school, and perhaps a more personal account of growing up in Tokyo. Let’s give her a mulligan—try again!—hurvj


Regarding “808 State” (Music, Apr 12): Ironically, most of the bands in the so-called “Madchester Revolution” of 1989 were in fact guitar bands… I think that’s a false dichotomy [the author] is making, based on his personal hindsight only.—jonholmes

Most of the bands getting press coverage were guitar bands, but the number of dance remixes they released shows the scene was very much all about the rave.—Yohan Mau5

Madchester had at least three different aspects. I lived through it. There were electronic dance artists and DJs, guitar bands who were influenced by the electronic/dance scene and straight guitar bands. The Hacienda itself had overwhelmingly dance-oriented club nights, though.—Johnny Buckle


Regarding “In A Japanese Dream” (The Last Word, Apr 12): Oh my god! Don’t say nice things about Japan! The grumpy gaijin brigade will be all over you! They remember the war, you see…—Johnny Rabbit


Regarding “Photo of the Week” (Upfront, Apr 26): Any photograph of an animal in a zoo is pathetic. Reminds me of a great Calvin and Hobbes strip.
Calvin: Hobbes, do you want to go to the zoo tomorrow?
Hobbes: Sure. Then, let’s visit a prison.
Please raise the bar for your photographs.—Allan