June 30, 2011
Nanny McPhee Returns
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on June 2011 A mixed quintet of squabbling city/country kids is descended upon by the title witch/nanny (writer Emma Thompson) and, as in the first film, are taught the values of good behavior (while engaging in plentiful poo jokes). We’ve seen this before, and it would not especially impress were it […]
By Metropolis
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on June 2011

A mixed quintet of squabbling city/country kids is descended upon by the title witch/nanny (writer Emma Thompson) and, as in the first film, are taught the values of good behavior (while engaging in plentiful poo jokes). We’ve seen this before, and it would not especially impress were it not for the good writing, acting (Thompson, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Rhys Ifans, Maggie Smith, Ralph Fiennes) and the astoundingly not-annoying child cast. But the latter half falls back on contrived subplots and inane SFX sequences. I could have done without the synchronized-swimming piglets, but your kids will love it.