Next Goal Wins

Next Goal Wins

Interconnectedness and openheartedness on the soccer pitch


Originally published on on May 2014

As sports movies go, the dogs don’t get any more under than this. The national soccer squad of American Samoa was fighting a 17-year winless streak, including a record 31-0 loss to Australia, when savvy Dutch coach Thomas Rongen took the reins. They do a little better. But winning is not what this is about. Evident throughout is the gentle interconnectedness of Samoan society, and how the territory’s openheartedness is exhibited on the playing field. Jaiyah Saelua, a member of Samoa’s fa’afafine, or third gender, becomes the first transsexual ever to compete in a World Cup qualifier. Japanese title: Next Goal: Sekai Saijyaku no Soccer Daihyo Team 0 tai 31 kara no Chosen. (90 min)