Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on April 2013
Sexy, cocky and charismatic. Three words to describe the ideal frontman of any band. Add long, luxurious hair and a Che Guevara tattoo on the chest and you have Atsushi, (or Ash, as he’s known to the band’s international fans). The NSDP (Night Spit Death Pain) singer is a living, breathing Jim Morrison—sans drugs and emotional issues.
NSDP is difficult to pigeonhole into any clear-cut musical genre. Their core phrase is “anti-unison.” Musical inspirations range from classical to techno, from Marvin Gaye to Rage Against the Machine. NSDP uses a combination of clean singing, screams, rap and, on occasion, scatting. Japanese lyrics are fused with English-language rhythms to create a vocalization that is Ash’s, and his alone.
“We don’t want to conform,” explains Ash. “We want to be original and create something new. That’s why we allow ourselves to be inspired by so many different genres. Making those seemingly at odds elements come together into something beautiful is what makes NSDP special.”
The band wants to create connections between people, “breaking barriers into doors” through their music, but especially through their live performances.
“If you don’t have anywhere you feel at home, come to one of our shows. We’ll set your soul free. That’s a promise. Lose your body to the chaos. Dance, shout, raise your fists in the air. We’ll show you what it really means to live,” says Ash.