Of All the People in All the World—Japan

Of All the People in All the World—Japan

Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on September 2010 Often referred to as “the rice show,” Of All the People in All the World is a roving installation that attempts to make mind-numbing human statistics comprehensible by measuring them out in grains of rice. The ever-changing show, created by UK theater group Stan’s Cafe, arrives for the […]


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on September 2010

Often referred to as “the rice show,” Of All the People in All the World is a roving installation that attempts to make mind-numbing human statistics comprehensible by measuring them out in grains of rice. The ever-changing show, created by UK theater group Stan’s Cafe, arrives for the first time in Asia after traveling around the rest of the world with its often politically charged messages (number of doctors vs. number of soldiers, etc.). Over the course of a week, two tons of rice will be measured out to represent various aspects of Japan and its long relationship with its staple foodstuff.

Of All the People in All the World—Japan
Performance/installation by Birmingham-based theater group Stan’s Cafe. Until Sep 22, various times, free. Seikatsu Kobo Workshop Room, 4F Carrot Tower, Sangenjaya. Tel: 03-5432-1526.