Pictures On My Wall

Pictures On My Wall

Every picture tells a story, don't it?


Originally published on on December 2012

There couldn’t be a more appropriate name for this fourth exhibition from music photographer Ryota Mori. This volume is focused exclusively on music and live performance related photos taken from 2003 to 2012. Having covered events such as the annual Fuji Rock Festival in Naeba, the SXSW Festival in Austin and more, he’s documented his fair share of craziness on the music scene. Crowd surfers with laptops, guitarists in the middle of mosh pits — you name it, he’s shot it. This exhibition, as the name says quite plainly, is set in a real apartment and showcases the array of pictures Mori has on his wall, quite literally.

When: Dec 9-22; noon – 7pm
Where: gallery.tmp
Info: Exhibition page