Q-pot Candy Suite

Q-pot Candy Suite

Sink into sweets


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on April 2014

Tokyo Bay Maihama Hotel Club Resort is collaborating with Q-pot’s famed accessory designer Tadaaki Wakamatsu to create the ultimate “sweet room.” From chocolate bar wallpaper to strawberry pillows, cookie tables and chocolate-dripping TVs, the entire suite is like an industrial-scale explosion of Wakamatsu’s confectionary-obsessed accessories. A stay in this luxury twin room can seem a bit pricey (¥98,100 per night, more before and on weekends and holidays), but it’s sure to tempt Tokyo’s high-end Hansels and Gretels—at least until they realize none of it is edible. The drink bar is even fashioned like a miniature version of Omotesando’s Q-pot Cafe, but without the two-hour wait to get in.