It’s All in the Timing

It’s All in the Timing

Finding out the prime time—in Japanese


Fall leaves. (Photo by Randy Steinlauf)

Fall is the season for kōyō (changing leaves) and indulging in good food—but fall one step behind, and you’ll miss it all. Timing is everything, and by using the suffix “-goro,” you’ll know exactly when to enjoy the beautiful sights and delicious bites!

JP: Kōyō no migoro wa itsu desu ka?

Food for thought
Food for thought (Photo via 123RF)

EN: When will the fall leaves be at their best?

JP: Migoro wa jūichi gatsu no chūjun kara jūichi gatsu no gejun desu.

EN: They’ll be at their best from mid to late November.

JP: Ringo no tabegoro wa itsu desu ka?

EN: When will the apple be at its best to eat?

JP: Ringo no soko ga ki-iro ni nattara tabegoro desu.

EN: It’ll be at its best when the bottom of the apple turns yellow.