Tokyo Tarot

Tokyo Tarot

The Futenma airbase shuffle


Originally published on on March 2013

As a regular feature, Metropolis‘ resident tarot expert offers an overview analysis of a current news item or celebrity profile. This week, we ask:

The relocation of Futenma airbase—a Blind Spot analysis

According to the Yomiuri Shinbun, “Prime Minister Shinzo Abe asked US President Barack Obama at their February meeting to return to Japan the US Marine Corps’ Camp Kinser in Okinawa Prefecture—which the two countries agreed to do last year—before Futenma Air Station is relocated.” Meanwhile, all 41 Okinawan prefectures have voted against the airbase’s move to the projected Henoko site, on moral and ecological grounds. This week Tokyo Tarot analyses the hidden and public agendas of both the American and Japanese administrations at the heart of the talks, from Japan’s point of view.

Copyright: Images of Tarot cards are from Kat Black’s Golden Tarot, US Games, 2003; Blind Spot Tarot spread from Keywords for the Crowley Tarot, Hajo Banzhaf & Brigitte Theler, Weiser Books, 1997.

1. Outer identity How Japan perceives the situation, and how the outside world perceives it. The 9 of cups is the card of superficial material satisfaction—and a lack of appreciation for its consequences. Whereas the US government pays rent to use the land occupied by Futenma, the underlying story is that the local citizens don’t appreciate this situation.

2. The Great Unknown Forces that neither the US or Japan is aware of. The page of cups shows a young person talking to a fish in his wine-cup. This is an image which represents someone young or young at heart listening to his or her inner voice—the voice of intuition. This young person also needs to learn through his or her emotions, and carries great responsibility. If there were one card to represent the issues at stake around the proposed site in Henoko, this would be it.

3. The Shadow What Abe’s administration is hiding from the outside world. The sun is the card of great success after immense difficulty. Although the war has not been won, the battle certainly has. This is something of a shallow, selfish victory however. It’s possible that Abe has already finalized in theory the move of the Futenma base to it’s new location—but hasn’t made the news official yet.

4. The blind spot What Obama’s administration’s attitude to the problem is, but which the Japan government might not be aware of.

From a tarot reader’s perspective, this is an interesting reading because two of the cards are fire-element cards—the page of wands and the sun—while the other two are water—the nine of cups and page of cups. These two elements are antagonistic, which means the two parties involved in the Futenma airbase issue are not in agreement. As there are no earth-element cards, nothing concrete or real is likely to happen soon, however. Likewise, as there are no air-element cards, there is little logical structure or clarity of thought in this issue. The situation is emotive and full of impulsive actions, which over the long term cannot lead to any intelligent or realistic outcome.

Blind Spot Tarot spread from Keywords for the Crowley Tarot, Hajo Banzhaf & Brigitte Theler, Weiser Books, 1997

If you enjoyed reading this Tokyo tarot round-up, and feel you could benefit from a blind spot tarot analysis, for your relationship, career or social life, contact Elise Mori for an in-person tarot consultation.