Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on November 2012

Vine-covered Tsubu Tsubu Café (143-5 Bentencho, Shinjuku-ku; www.tsubutsubu.jp), planted in a tranquil residential area by Waseda station, has been serving organic vegan food since 1983. Its founder Yumiko loved tsubu-tsubu (grainy) cereal crops for their vitamins and minerals, fiber, and essential amino acids. Trick your taste buds with the herbivorous takakibi (sorghum) hamburger set (¥1,575), and non-sugar, non-dairy sweets (from ¥630) such as hie (millet) apple pie, and kanten (agar) parfait. The tearoom offers a versatile workshop space and its adjoining zakka shop sells hearty ingredients, organic cosmetics, earthy apparel, cook books, and more. For dinner, try sister restaurant Buona Tubutubu (1-17-9 Sekiguchi, Bunkyo-ku; www.b-tubutubu.com).