Veggie Burgers

Veggie Burgers

Would you like a smoothie with that?


Originally published on on February 2014

A greasy cheeseburger and a mountain of fries is great as a decadent lunch, but what if you want to put a healthier spin on your meal? The 3rd Burger has you covered with offerings that include ample lettuce, tomato slices and other veggies. Their eponymous burger (¥550) features komatsuna (mustard spinach) and homemade tartar sauce. Other options have distinctly Japanese flavors, including their avocado wasabi burger (¥520) and the edamame and kidney beans burger (¥490). Meat-free “salad burgers” include gobo (burdock root), ¥410 and avocado (¥490). You can wash it down with a smoothie (all ¥500) in flavors such as tomato or carrot. The Omotesando location has already attracted a dedicated OL clientele and a second shop has opened at Roppongi Ark Hills.