Weekly Horoscope: September 8-14

Weekly Horoscope: September 8-14

♥Love    ¥Money    ♣Luck ARIES March 21 – April 20 ♥♥¥¥♣♣♣♣ Do you ever ask the universe for things, then if you feel they’re on their way, think, ‘Maybe I should skip it’? Do you talk it out to open things up, sometimes as a matter of survival? Mars just entered your solar sixth […]


♥Love    ¥Money    ♣Luck


March 21 – April 20


Do you ever ask the universe for things, then if you feel they’re on their way, think, ‘Maybe I should skip it’? Do you talk it out to open things up, sometimes as a matter of survival? Mars just entered your solar sixth house of work. Mercury follows. If you have a marketable skill or want a different one, your interest may help others. If you’re looking for brighter health and a diet that serves you, you can have success in that, too.


 April 21 – May 21


Understanding and love enter life at home. This can be true whether you’re in a place you adore or are considering a move. Venus nears the Moon’s north node in this sector of your chart. Action is easier to take. Stretch yourself into undiscovered areas to merge magic with adventure. It’s all the more exciting not to know for sure as you tempt your curiosity. Test new energies as you break through resistance. Mercury enters your romance zone.


May 22– June 21


As the sign of the Twins, you don’t like to be alone. But first, you have to find someone whose mind soars as quickly as yours. No need for heavy-handedness – you get it, already! Having the ability to see two sides of a situation is easy for you. In fact, with this asset, you’ll feel inspired by Mars and ruling planet Mercury this week. They connect to make sure you say – and get – what you need, especially where your roots are.


June 22 – July 23


Some mornings there’s just no way to clear a heart full of feelings. That said, you can hide your reactions in a smoothie or a mug of coffee until the head mist clears. Venus floats towards a symbolic impact with the north node of the Moon. She glitters herself up for a saucy form of ‘I need your attention or else’. Mercury chases Mars but never quite catches him. By next week he’ll overtake – and just keep going.


July 24 – August 23


The recent eclipse in August takes a while to settle in. Since it was in Leo, you may have already felt the ripples. The tender points are around needing to express more of yourself. If you’re in an environment that encourages this, it’s easy to take a deep breath and dive in. If not, you may have some resistance as you begin to take action. Remember that external life mirrors what’s on the inside. Take small steps until you feel secure and happy.


August 24 – September 23


Happy Birthday! There isn’t much to do to find yourself in a happy state. With your Virgo discernment, would removing what you no longer want clear a path for what you love most? Ruler Mercury enters your sign. You’re definitely in your element – a comfortable place to be. Mars forges ahead, now that he is sharing that space. These two sail towards the Sun, but neither one will catch it. That light is for you.


 September 24 – October 23


For those who don’t know you, you may as well have been air-dropped from an exotic locale. Without connections to anchor you, people don’t know how to place you. It’s the same thing with the celestial transits this week. Where are the planets going? In whose house are they staying? Mercury, the messenger, leaves your sector of friends and needs sanctuary. Mars has been forging a plan for privacy and quiet. Amazing for a Libra!


October 24 – November 22


The Sun trines Pluto (beneficial). These two set up a support for feelings you hold which you know to be true. When it comes to dealing with friends, Mars pushes for a breakthrough. Mercury joins in, clarifying what needs to be said. None of this is inherently Scorpionic (you’d rather send a telepathic transmission). Still, between career and romance, you need to take care of yourself. Gauge your armor, then enter!


November 23 – December 22


If you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, Saturn makes it clear. Yikes! At the same time, you’re getting through its almost three year transit in Sagittarius. This week’s focus is more on your thoughts, feelings, and needs. There’s no point in being part of things if you’re feeling ‘been there done that’. Chiron squares your sign to bring out details, even when you thought you were all caught up. You’ll be smooth as silk when this is over.


December 23 – January 20


When you’re in the home stretch of a race, you can see the finish line. Right now, the line keeps moving. It is influenced by others as part of a team. If members have a hard time holding straight, you as a pillar of your community may feel confused. How to rectify this? Juno is in your sign. She’ll help you find a reliable partner. However, Mars and Mercury in your career sector need watching. Are they making sense? Make sure that they do.


 January 21 – February 19


You’ve always been able to get from Point A to B, or even Z. You just prefer to do it your way. You’re intrinsically unique, original, and often first with a new idea. So how do you get through the backlog that has been foist upon you? It’s easy – give it back! Vesta, the Sun, Mars, and Mercury are in your sector of sharing. Whether it’s with a corporation or a partner, if you can stop resisting you’ll keep the good energy for yourself.


February 20 – March 20    


All clues point to a partner in your life. Vesta and the Sun are already there, along with Mars, having just arrived on the scene. Then Mercury joins in this week. Did you want to be in a relationship, and now that you are, you’re exhausted? Are you single, but all signs lead to ‘not being alone’? Venus is helping to make your life more beautiful. You can avoid connecting with your ‘other’ for a while, but sooner or later – you’ll be found!