The Case of the Christmas Chicken

The Case of the Christmas Chicken

A first “real American Christmas”


(Grace Buchele Mineta)

My husband and I met while we were lowly undergrad students. He had elected to spend a year studying abroad in America and ended up at my university, right down the hall from me.

As winter break rolled around, I asked him if he wanted to spend a couple weeks with my family in Texas for Christmas. He said yes and we bought him a plane ticket that afternoon. It was his first  “real American Christmas” … but as dinner rolled around, after we had finished opening presents, napping and singing Christmas carols, my husband turned to my father and asked “What about the Christmas Chicken?” It’s become a running joke in our family.


冬休みになると、私は彼にクリスマスにテキサスの実家に遊びに来ないか聞きました。彼は”YES”と即決し、その日の午後には航空券を予約しました。ちなみに彼にとっては初めての”real American Christmas”でした。クリスマスプレゼントも開け、ゴロゴロし、クリスマスキャロルを歌い終わったディナーの際に、彼は父に突然”あれ?クリスマスチキンは?”と尋ねました。それは我が家のジョークの一つになりました。