A-Round 2013

A-Round 2013

Artisan paradise in Asakusa


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on May 2013

See “Made in Japan” happen before your very eyes and go around A-Round this weekend. The first ever craftsmanship festival of Asakusa will see 150 local artists and creators performing their trades in a collection of exhibits, events, bric-a-brac and workshops, mooted to rival to Soho in New York City.

There’s complex meaning in the name. “A” stands for… Asakusa, artisan, active, and the beginning (i.e. of the alphabet). “Round” means… to walk around and get stuck into fashion goods, handmade leather shoes, and other lovingly crafted goods.

  • May 24-26, 11am-6pm
  • Sumida Park Riverside Gallery, Sanyabori Park, wide area of Asakusa within Taito Ward
  • Free entry
  • Nearest stn: Asakusa
  • www.a-round.info