October 28, 2010
All God’s Children Can Dance
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on October 2010 Many have claimed over the years that Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami’s books are unfilmable, but it’s taken director Robert Logevall and screenwriter Scott Coffey to prove it. The central character is this preposterously well-endowed, moody young man named Kengo (dialogue: “God gave me this huge cock”), played by […]
By Metropolis
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on October 2010

All God’s Children Can Dance: ©2008 Kimmel Distribution, LLC
Many have claimed over the years that Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami’s books are unfilmable, but it’s taken director Robert Logevall and screenwriter Scott Coffey to prove it. The central character is this preposterously well-endowed, moody young man named Kengo (dialogue: “God gave me this huge cock”), played by Jason Lew with a total lack of charisma, not to mention a hilarious moustache. Although his bible-thumping mother (Joan Chen) has always insisted that he is the son of God, he begins to follow around LA a one-eared man who may really be his dad. I’m sure it reads better on the page.