Building Book

Building Book

Explore Tokyo’s “wonderful catastrophe”


Originally published on on September 2012

A “wonderful catastrophe” is how Tokyo’s architecture is described by author Ulf Meyer in Architectural Guide Tokyo (DOM Publishers; 2011; pp.272; ¥2,500). And this lush guidebook—which covers over 200 buildings and includes over 400 high-quality photos—is the way to navigate it. The book contains a fine section of photographic skylines of the city, with pointers identifying certain spots, and then launches into a neighborhood-by-neighborhood exploration with info on architects, history, and aesthetic background. Several ribbons sprout out of the spine so you can mark your favorite pages, and the tall, narrow format of the book make it handy—if a bit heavy—for carrying around. Includes an essay from Professor Botond Bognar, architect, academic, and author of Beyond the Bubble: New Japanese Architecture.

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