If Maze Runner and Divergent didn’t slake your thirst for YA Hunger Games clones, this might be for you. But probably not.
A human space traveler (Daisy Ridley) crash-lands on an Earth-like planet and is discovered by a guy about her age (Tom Holland) who leads her to a human settlement ruled by creepy Mads Mikkelsen. She immediately notices a few unsettling things about the group. First, where are all the women? Hmm. Second, thanks apparently to the planet’s hostile native race, all the men’s thoughts are, well, visible in swirling CGI auras around their heads, and audible, too. This is called “The Noise.”
I know. Is it worth absorbing yet another thought-up universe with all its rules and taboos? Well, no. I expected more from Doug Liman, who did The Bourne Identity, Jumper and Mr. & Mrs. Smith. His movies are rarely dull, even the bad ones. But this wimpy adaptation of the novel “The Knife of Never Letting Go” (the first in an unlikely-to-be-produced trilogy) is a colossal snore.
The book is supposed to have been funnier, as evidenced by the occasional humor that peeks through, usually having to do with the embarrassments of wooing a woman while all your thoughts are on display, but I don’t plan to read it.
This mess of contradictions, despite the good acting and likable young leads, is nearly unwatchable. With a braver approach, it could have done a lot more with its themes of misogynism, toxic masculinity and religious zealotry. Self-isolation viewing only. (109 min)