September 6, 2015
Cinematic Underground: September 6, 2015
Neil Young’s directorial debut, a Cannes Grand Prix winner, and more...
By Kevin Mcgue
One of the oddest and least-seen films in the cult canon is the directorial debut of Neil Young—yes, that Neil Young. Human Highway got a limited release in 1982 before decades of being shared amongst fans via dubbed video tapes. Now, a director’s cut is making the rounds of festivals and theaters. Set in a small town next to a leaky nuclear plant, it features Young as an auto mechanic. But the plot is secondary to the campy visuals and warped soundtrack. Opens September 12 at Cinema Qualite. (3-37-12 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku; http://qualite.musashino-k.jp.)
The Cannes Grand Prix-winning Italian drama The Wonders depicts an impoverished family with four daughters struggling to support each other. The film itself is a product of sibling cooperation, with actress Alba Rohrwacher playing the eldest sister, and her sister Alice handling writing and directing duties. Screening in Italian with Japanese subtitles through October 9 at Iwanami Hall. (2-1 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku; www.iwanami-hall.com.)
The high-atmospheric German thriller Who Am I peers into the mind of a young hacker who gets involved in a subversive group, only to realize he’s in too deep to get out. Playing in German with Japanese subtitles starting September 12 at Shinjuku Musashinokan. (3-27-10 Shinjuku; http://shinjuku.musashino-k.jp.)