Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on November 2011
The area around Yokohama’s Hinodecho station has become a Mecca for reptile lovers, with Nogeyama Zoo, a restaurant serving reptilian repasts (Chinjuya, http://meturl.com/chinjyuya), and, since July, Yokohama Anettai Sakan (2F, 8-133 Chojamachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama; http://reptilescafe.net). Order up a Chinese tea (¥800-1,000) and a cake (¥700-800), and sit back to watch 17 species of turtles, lizards, geckos, snakes, and frogs amble around. Those wishing to take a scaly friend home will have to pretend it’s already a handbag, as the creatures are not for sale. But there is an open space where you can caress tortoises.