Taku Satoh TSDO: in LIFE Exhibition
May 16, 2022 at 11:00am ~ Jun 30, 2022 at 7:00pm
In early summer 2022, ginza graphic gallery (ggg) will present Taku Satoh TSDO: in LIFE, an exhibition featuring Taku Satoh and TSDO.
The exhibition is configured with the ground floor gallery focusing primarily on works produced independently by Taku Satoh since his PLASTICITY exhibition at ggg in 2004. The basement gallery presents design projects where he worked through TSDO, making this the first exhibition to present both aspects of Satoh’s work in a format that enables them to be compared and contrasted. One common factor is the “in LIFE” keyword, which infuses both groups of work, signifying that all the works are a part of a very natural, ordinary life.
One objective of this exhibition is to remind viewers that designing is not something that occurs up in the clouds, far removed from our ordinary existence. On the contrary, it is a familiar process that affects each of us as a part of our ordinary lives.
Start: May 16th 2022 at 11:00am
End: Jun 30th 2022 at 7:00pm