Getta Outta Town

Getta Outta Town

The Japanese wooden flip-flop-clog gets an arty makeover


Originally published on on March 2013

The traditional Japanese wooden clog-cum-flip flop has had a startling makeover, courtesy of artist Chee. These extraordinary designer geta are hand-painted and custom-matched with a suitable fabric thong [“Cinderella” goldfish-and-sakura geta, pictured above]. They are obtainable from Chee’s semi-regular displays in Tokyo and Nagoya (see her site for details), or at occasional international exhibitions. Each pair is made personally by the artist, making them tricky to get hold of—and not cheap at ¥22,000-36,000. But to make a splash with your footwear, or for a unique piece of decoration, these are definitely something to get your hands—or feet—on. Aftercare and thong replacement is available. Look out for Chee’s geta-making classes in the future.