October 21, 2010
Going the Distance
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on October 2010 Less irritating than usual rom-com thanks to crisp direction by Nanette Burstein, likable leads Drew Barrymore and Justin Long, and the fact that the required second-act complication takes the form of a 3,000-mile gap between domiciles rather than some made-up jealousy or misunderstanding. The turn-off for me was […]
By Metropolis
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on October 2010

Less irritating than usual rom-com thanks to crisp direction by Nanette Burstein, likable leads Drew Barrymore and Justin Long, and the fact that the required second-act complication takes the form of a 3,000-mile gap between domiciles rather than some made-up jealousy or misunderstanding. The turn-off for me was the constant and gratuitous profanity. The screenwriters fail to realize that the f-word is far more effective when used selectively. These characters sound more like Eddie Murphy on stage. It’s intended to denote sophistication but merely indicates a small vocabulary. Watchable, but only just.