

Dec. 24 - Jan. 7


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It’s In The Stars Weekly Horoscope 

♥Love    ¥Money    ♣Luck


March 20 – April 18


Planets placed in auspicious position bring career recognition. Venus and Pluto combine forces. The goddess of love and money joins the power broker. They create a layer of light at Christmas. Jupiter transits as secret wishes spill into your dreams. New Year’s Eve is a relief. Welcome to 2022! Mercury moves to connect with friends. The New Moon is a-roll-up-your sleeves affair. 


April 19 – May 19


The holidays have nothing on your indomitable spirit. Energy carries you where you need to be. Venus and Pluto blend as they bring the power of love at Christmas. Jupiter transits to help you merge with the feelings around you. New Year’s Eve is a wild night of light. Here’s to 2022! Mercury connects with your career. The New Moon catches you.


May 20 – June 20


You can fly through anything, but you might want to go zen for the holidays. Venus and Pluto team up. They are unstoppable. Beauty, love, and money combine with power and authority. Enjoy their sensual merger. New Year’s Eve brings plans forward. Here’s to 2022! Ruler Mercury transits to share intense quarters with Pluto. The New Moon brings work security.


June 21 – July 21


Filled to the brim with holiday meetings? You can do this. There are so many celestial treasures for you. Venus, goddess of love and money, connects with Pluto the power broker at Christmas. They hold special significance, as they’re in your sector of commitment. New Year’s Eve offers conversations in holiday light. Welcome to 2022! The New Moon brings the clarity you need. 


July 22 – August 22


Still have things to check off your list? This is the heart of a Leo. You’re famous for helping others. Venus connects with Pluto at Christmas. The goddess of love and money merges with the sexy agent of change. The holidays have a mind of their own, though you’re safely in the flow. New Year’s Eve has energy to spare. Here’s to a great 2022! The New Moon makes it so.


August 23 – September 21


This holiday brings a special healing for Virgos. Venus, goddess of love and beauty, connects with Pluto, whose power is legendary. You’re elevated to a higher status if you reconcile these two. New Year’s Eve helps to get things off your chest. Mercury, the Messenger, assists in romance. Welcome to 2022! The New Moon upgrades the next cycle of spontaneity.


September 22 – October 22


Expectations this holiday seem like a rerun? Events may surprise you. There is joy in every scene you can view. Venus, goddess of love and beauty, joins forces with Pluto, the sexy power broker. Want to share a private moment this New Year’s Eve? You may find it inspirational. 2022 embraces your dreams. Mercury transits to start talking romance. The New Moon assists.


October 23 – November 21


Scorpios are sultry, mysterious, and live for intrigue. Taking things at face value is too easy (and just plain boring). You can’t help being deep. Venus and Pluto connect at Christmas, blending beauty, love, and power. Jupiter transits for romance. New Year’s Eve is for fantasy. Welcome to 2022! Mercury moves to break the conversational ice. The New Moon gives you wings.


November 22 – December 20


Breathe deeply and release your inner critic. Venus and Pluto connect at Christmas. One brings beauty, love, and is expensive. The other holds irresistible power. Let yourself have the best holiday ever. Jupiter transits, changing things up at home. New Year’s Eve is light and romance. Welcome to 2022! Mercury creates conversation. The New Moon upgrades your income.


December 21 – January 18


The Sun is in Capricorn. Happy Birthday! Venus and Pluto get together at Christmas. They blend beauty and love with the power to believe. Your generosity would be legendary except for your modest demeanor. New Year’s Eve puts you in charge. The Sun, Juno, Venus, Pluto, and Mercury are in your sign. Here’s to 2022! Mercury transits to talk money. The New Moon gets things started. 


January 19 – February 17


This holiday is made especially for you. Beyond the lights and glitter, your visions take in the big picture. Venus, goddess of love, beauty, and money, connects with Pluto, who activates a shift. New Year’s Eve puts your dreams all in a row. Welcome to 2022! Mercury transits to line things up for you. The New Moon brings meaning to your plans.


February 18 – March 19


Holidays glow with the result of your efforts. Venus, goddess of beauty and love, connects with Pluto, sanctioning a power shift. They work in your favor. Jupiter transits to Pisces. This is what dreams are made of. Easy to get swept away – keep a landmark in sight. New Year’s Eve is filled with friends. Yay! It’s 2022! Mercury brings insights to your plans. The New Moon begins them.