I’ll Pay You to Shut Up

I’ll Pay You to Shut Up

Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on November 2009 Experience has taught us that it’s the most irritating things—what science wonks would call negative stimuli—that get us out of bed fastest in the morning. And make no mistake: there’s some dark genius at work with the Banclock, a seemingly innocuous plastic cube whose alarm can only be […]


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on November 2009

Experience has taught us that it’s the most irritating things—what science wonks would call negative stimuli—that get us out of bed fastest in the morning. And make no mistake: there’s some dark genius at work with the Banclock, a seemingly innocuous plastic cube whose alarm can only be shut off by feeding a coin into the slot at the top. Bank + clock = Banclock, geddit? You’ll find this particularly handy when you’ve got to get up for work the morning after blowing every yen in your wallet on slot machines and chu-hi. Okay, maybe that’s just us.

Dreams Banclock, ¥5,250. Available via www.tokyoflash.com/en