Weekly Horoscope: June 9-15

Weekly Horoscope: June 9-15

What's in the stars for the week ahead?



March 21–April 20


Jupiter edges into direct motion. What was upside-down turns right-side up. Fire sign that you are, inspiration becomes your motivation. You’re a natural leader, strengthened by acting on your feelings. If you’ve held back on a choice asking to be made, that was the right decision! Watch Venus line you up for a financial increase.


April 21–May 21


Venus is in positive aspect to Mars. You have a chance to indulge, and surround yourself with beauty. You deserve it! Quality and stability are a ‘must’. After all, you are an earth sign. Uranus and Pallas Athene are in your solar twelfth house. They have a tendency to crack obstacles in half, offering a glorious future.


May 22–June 21


It’s not unusual for planets to transit Gemini when you’re in your birthday zone. Happy Birthday! The Sun, Ceres, and Mercury hit their stride, jazzing up your week with a flourish. Venus sextiles Mars, energizing efforts to beautify your home or office. The Sun opposes Saturn, shining light on a partner’s efforts. Or it may show how their optimistic streak can help you score new goals!


June 22–July 23


Others see you as the comforting nurturer, a natural trait for your sign. With Venus sextile Mars in Cancer, you may plan to visit a loved one, checking your schedule to arrange priorities. If you can’t put your good intentions into practice just yet, treat yourself to something that would normally seem like a splurge. That way, you’re refreshed and ready to go!


July 24–August 23


You’re generous of heart and spirit, but have demands of late felt non-stop? If the merry-go-round is constantly spinning, you may need to find your own way off. Venus is sextile Mars, helping make things beautiful in a flash. It’s also a bonus for increasing income. Projects may not complete yet – the Sun opposes Saturn. Stay steady and you will be noticed!


August 24–September 23


The ball’s in your court when it comes to career. The Sun, Ceres, and Mercury put the game into play. While heart and inspiration are the focus, you’ve got back-up, and the means to speak on your own behalf. Even if you don’t want to, you’re the best person to do it. You represent yourself well. It’s obvious to others you hold an intrinsic value, so let them see you shine.


September 24–October 23


While others are tightening their belt or looking to downsize, Jupiter in your sign goes direct. This means even if you aren’t focused on them, opportunities and lucky moments find you. Beautiful thoughts and your open attitude add a breath of fresh air. You feel better at home, or find the home you want. It’s the beginning of a new start. Get ready to cozy up to your next chapter!


October 24–November 22


This week Venus is in positive aspect to Mars. They help you fight for finances and bring a little comfort to your realm. From this standpoint, you’re covered. You could take a break. Will you let yourself breathe easier? While Scorpios are in the clear, not all the signs can say this. Until everyone has caught up with you, enjoy drawing outside the lines.


November 23–December 22


The stellar strengths you receive are not in your usual hang-outs. Your latest aspirations are set for success. Even so, they’re expanded with celestial backing. Which means you could find yourself in left field – and out of your comfort zone. Not everything will make sense. Choose which interactions secure your best interests to make your dream visions come true.


December 23–January 20


Have your outlets for escape and R&R all dried up? Or perhaps they’re full of people who won’t let you rest? Your mind delves deep and moves fast, due to the influx of Mars’ energy in your house of relationships. Luckily it sextiles Venus, who creates happier results just for you. Juno won’t be retrograde forever. Balance is coming!


January 21–February 19


The stars are evenly weighted in your chart. Your most focused energy ignites romance and fireworks. It can be a crush, or true love. A person, or a passion. Mercury, Ceres, and the Sun shine a light on your heart’s desires. Not only do they back you up – they help you say all the right things, too!


February 20–March 20


Two planets remain in your sign. One is your ruling planet, Neptune. While it enhances creativity, it also changes the goalposts on a regular basis. Advance notice is not a guarantee. Then Chiron comes along with a revealing and healing process, polishing your spirit to a shine. Why not radiate the light you’ve become?