June 2, 2011

June 2, 2011

Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on June 2011 Extended pantheon Regarding “Pantheon of Japanese Rock Gods” (Japan Beat, May 20): Wow! What an odd list. How, for example, could you leave off Sakamoto Ryuichi? The Southern Allstars? Nagabuchi Tsuyoshi? Spitz? Were the primary criteria being derivative, dressing “extravagantly” and loudness? Songwriting and vocals counted for nothing? […]


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on June 2011

Phil Couzens

Extended pantheon

Regarding “Pantheon of Japanese Rock Gods” (Japan Beat, May 20): Wow! What an odd list. How, for example, could you leave off Sakamoto Ryuichi? The Southern Allstars? Nagabuchi Tsuyoshi? Spitz? Were the primary criteria being derivative, dressing “extravagantly” and loudness? Songwriting and vocals counted for nothing?

What about someone like Kiyoharu? Seems like every J-rock singer that came out around 2000 was influenced by him.

Cornelius, seriously? And where are Les Rallizes Denudes?

You failed to mention Toshi of X Japan. Have you heard the notes he can hit?

With “jungle breaks, kitschy sampling, and references to Elephant 6” how is Cornelius a “rock god?” Maybe a “pop god” :/

Flower Travellin’ Band, without a doubt


Or how about the vocalist from The Boom (if that’s rock)? Yum!!!!

Hey Einstein

Regarding “Sheep’s Clothing” (The Last Word, May 20): I’m okay with Japanese McFashion because, a) it’s a hell of a lot cheaper than clothes in Melbourne, b) it reminds me of Japan and c) a large portion of the population in my city, in an effort to look different, end up spending a fortune to appear destitute and retro. I’d prefer it if I was judged on my personality, not my clothes.

I do know what you mean by spending a lot of money to look destitute. This store clerk was trying to sell me a $220 pair of jeans that would make me look homeless. If I spent that much I wouldn’t be able to pay rent, so I probably would end up homeless.


Yeah. What does this guy think he is, smart or something? More unreadable hyperbole about Japanese teens saving old ladies’ dogs, please.

Generally non-specific

Well, this is just a general letter to express mild disappointment in the latest issue. This issue seems like a throw-back to pre 3/11 every-thing-is-peachy type work. You have shown us some glimpses of sensible and even quite emotive editorial choices lately, and as I mentioned, this letter is pretty general, but would love to see you continue on the pathway of the aforementioned! Keep up the great work (with conscientious decisions please).

Hair piece

Regarding “Brush up your style” (Body & Soul, May 20): I’d never be an emfinite [sic] metrosexual. I take pride in maintaining a masculine image while at the same time trying to be clean, groomed and well-dressed. Some of the metros take it waaaay too far. Seriously, they should just wear skirts and lipstick and go all the way.—kendoboy*

My uni students if they look cool and handsome get a lot of action SEX but if they are dorky with smelly messed up wardrobes they must pay $$$$$$$!!!!!! $$$$$$$!!!!!! for any action with any decent Japanese girls. $$$ talks and BS…

Never had a problem with women here. My new one, though, is a sweetheart and has me shave everything except my arms, eyebrows and head. She thinks my legs look better than most Japanese women… and she paints my toenails blue, so I proudly wear them that way when going surfing. And I am straight. Too many men just stare at themselves in the mirror all the time. Get sick of that.

Group of the week

Geeks In Japan A group for English-speaking geeks, dorks, nerds, fanboys/fangirls, and otaku currently living in Japan who would like to chat with and meet other folks of similar interests.

*via Japan Today