Cosmetic Acupuncture Salon Sakura Pain-free beauty acupuncture treatments improve skin quality by providing lift, reducing swelling and purifying skin tone.
Health & Fitness The new year, for many, is a time for self-reflection and self-improvement. From gyms and fitness to new skin care regimes and home improvement, Metropolis gives you the lowdown on starting 2018 with a bang.
METROPRINT printing service Metropolis is happy to announce its comprehensive new printing service METROPRINT.
TRUNK(Lounge) TRUNK(HOTEL)'s lounge bar changes with the seasons with a constantly evolving menu and events.
Latino Americando 3 Discover the African roots of Latin rhythms in the new edition of Latino Americando, the only Latin musical in Japan!
Burlesque Annex Yavay Burlesque Annex Yavai creates a fun and sexy atmosphere for Christmas with friends and colleagues. Shows, drinks and a party ambiance is perfect for a Christmas night out on the town.
Festive Food and Fun The festive season is upon us once again. The month of December is the perfect time for celebrations with colleagues, friends and family. As 2017 draws to an end, it’s the time to spend with people who matter.
Christmas is the Time for Gifts The festive season is fast approaching and it’s time to start thinking seriously about gifts for family and friends. From unique, artisanal presents to travel packages, our Christmas Gifts page has you covered.