

It's getting letters all the time


Originally published on on August 2012


Regarding “An Olympic Undertaking” (The Last Word, July 20): Very poor writing. The writer [Fred Varcoe] offers absolutely no reason why Tokyo should get the Olympics, and in fact states several very good and practical reasons why it should not. The Olympics are no longer “glorious”—he says himself it’s become nothing but one huge PR tool, sucking up billions we have to repay in taxes, and the only people it benefits are the corporate sponsors. If it hurts Tokyo’s chances at winning the bid, then for once I am very, very happy to have Ishihara as governor.—blondeintokyo

I think I heard something during the Olympics bid about how the brazen prostitution in Tokyo prevented it from winning. It’s kind of ironic, however, that it went to Rio, a city with just as much prostitution and blight, as the author suggests.—hurvj


Regarding “Brave” (Movies, July 20): I couldn’t disagree more [with Don Morton’s review]. Brave is a groundbreaking film, both in terms of its stunning animation and its unusual story. Unlike Pixar’s previous films, Brave is mainly a drama with comedic elements, rather than a comedy with dramatic elements like Finding Nemo and Toy Story. People need to stop trying to fit this movie into the formulaic Disney model, because it simply doesn’t fit. It’s not about princesses insisting on marrying for love like the Disney princess movies of the past, though this conflict does fuel the tension between Merida and her mother. Rather, it’s about setting aside pride and remembering that family ties can overcome even the most passionate disagreements.—kelsey636


Regarding “Kita Aoyama Salon” (Bar Review, June 8): It was a bit darker than I would have liked, gorgeous though, with expensive drinks worth the price and friendly bar staff. I can’t wait to go again! When they say the door is easily overlooked I didn’t comprehend until I realized that it looked like a storage closet. Fair warning as the article doesn’t mention it’s on the street level floor of the Sign building. We weren’t offered a menu but I was determined to enjoy these homemade drinks the article mentioned. The bartender (Tsubasa) made a drink from a fresh-cut plum and various alcohols, as well as some kind of mojito that tasted unique and my word that lemongrass syrup MUST be tried. I got all these great drinks by just asking the bartender for his favorite drink to make. Our check was rather hefty. However with a place that gorgeous and drinks of such high quality, we easily considered it a night well spent!—Stacey


Regarding: “Summer Splash” (Cover, July 20): I think that’s up there with the notorious swimsuit issue of ’09.—@JamesHadfield

You guys always have the most attractive magazine covers. Collection is steadily growing!—@Curiousiko