Notebook Anthology

Notebook Anthology

Originally published on on October 2010 Think of it as the Reader’s Digest of notepads. As the mere act of writing memos on bits of paper threatens to become a laughable anachronism, Tokyo-based design firm Rezon has struck back. Their Multi Notebook takes six staples of Japanese stationery—from sticky notes to flash cards—and crams […]


Originally published on on October 2010

Courtesy of Rezon

Think of it as the Reader’s Digest of notepads. As the mere act of writing memos on bits of paper threatens to become a laughable anachronism, Tokyo-based design firm Rezon has struck back. Their Multi Notebook takes six staples of Japanese stationery—from sticky notes to flash cards—and crams them all between two covers. Each sheet inside is divided into six discrete zones, allowing you to multitask on a page-by-page basis. It’s either inspired, silly or a recipe for schizophrenia. “Take notes, write vocabularies, draw graphics, or ignore all and use it for graffiti,” advises the press release. Amen to that.

Multi Notebook, ¥680. See for list of stockists.