October 7, 2009
Robo Geisha
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on October 2009 This new work by hyper-tacky director Noboru Iguchi is more of the same lewd comedy-splatter that we’ve come to expect. (In terms of taste, all you need to know about Iguchi is that he once made a film about a high school girl who develops giant male genitalia […]
By Metropolis
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on October 2009
This new work by hyper-tacky director Noboru Iguchi is more of the same lewd comedy-splatter that we’ve come to expect. (In terms of taste, all you need to know about Iguchi is that he once made a film about a high school girl who develops giant male genitalia that she’s unable to hide!) Robo Geisha is something like a Quentin Tarantino wet dream and, indeed, the fanboy culture is already lapping it up—it was screened at the geek paradise Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas. The threadbare plot is about an evil corporation that uses geisha assassins to conquer Japan. They kidnap ordinary women, train them to be killers, and add robot appendages that—you guessed it—enable them to slaughter more mercilessly. The film employs every cheesy camera trick and fight sequence you can think of, but is also quite imaginative in its ridiculous killing techniques, from tengu-nosed bras that shoot acid to mouth buzz saws and ebi stuffed into people’s eyes. Clearly, the inspiration of this film is to show creative ways to weaponize erogenous zones. If this excites you, check it out. (101 min)