Sanpo in the Park 2014

Sanpo in the Park 2014

Lend your animal friends in Tokyo a paw


Originally published on on May 2014

This year Animal Walk Tokyo (AWT) is supporting two of their favorite local rescue groups: Save Animals Love Animals (SALA) and Dog Shelter for their fourth annual Sanpo in Park charity event at Yoyogi Park.

On Sunday, May 18 come down Yoyogi Koen with your pets, families and friends (you don’t need to have a pet to join in the fun). The festivities will begin at 9:30am with a 30-minute walk around the park followed by some live music. Plenty of time to talk with friends, eat and drink—and perhaps fall in love with some animals who are looking for homes.

Cost for the event is ¥2,500 per person (¥5,000 for families). Every cent of this fee will be used to help more animals who need rescue and shelter right here in Tokyo. If you would like to help even more, you can gather sponsors for your walk! If you have friends who cannot join or family members who don’t live in Japan, for example, but they still want to help you can gather donations until May 18 and submit them when you register at the park gathering.

Are you interested in volunteering at Sanpo in the Park? AWT could really use your help. To find out how you can donate your time to assist a worthy cause right in your own back yard, please contact them at

Can’t come but want to donate? Visit the Japan Rescue Groups page where you can find all the information you need about donating.

May 18, 9:30am-11am. Yoyogi Koen.

For more details, see the Facebook event page here.